Axis descriptors

Each dimension of a Hist is specified by an Axis object. There are three main categories (abstract classes): GroupAxis, FixedAxis, and ProfileAxis.

class histbook.axis.Axis

Abstract class for a histogram axis.

class histbook.axis.GroupAxis

Abstract class for histogram axes that fill bin contents as a dict (dynamic memory allocation).

class histbook.axis.FixedAxis

Abstract class for histogram axes that fill bin contents as a Numpy array (static memory allocation).

class histbook.axis.ProfileAxis

Abstract class for profile axes (dependent variables).

Inheritance diagram of histbook.axis.groupby, histbook.axis.groupbin, histbook.axis.bin, histbook.axis.intbin, histbook.axis.split, histbook.axis.cut, histbook.axis.profile

Concrete Axis types

The following are intended for use in Hist constructors.

class histbook.axis.groupby(expr, keeporder=False)

Describes an axis of categorical values, such as strings.

Memory use scales with distinct values encountered in the data.

  • expr (algebraic expression (string)) – quantity to use as an independent variable in the probability distribution represented by this histogram; distinct values are used to determine bin membership
  • keeporder (boolean) – if True (not default), keep track of the order in which new categories are seen

Returns True if the two axes have the same types and binning, regardless of the expression used to compute them.


Returns a copy of the groupby.


Algebraic expression <histbook.expr.Expr>


Returns (key, value) pairs of the content.


Returns key labels in the order of the bin content, to index the content.


Returns a groupby with a new expr.

class histbook.axis.groupbin(expr, binwidth, origin=0, nanflow=True, closedlow=True)

Describes an axis of sparse, numeric values.

Memory use scales with distinct bins encountered in the data.

  • expr (algebraic expression (string)) – quantity to use as an independent variable in the probability distribution represented by this histogram
  • binwidth (positive number) – width of the intervals used to determine bin membership
  • origin (number (default 0)) – the low edge of all bin intervals modulo binwidth; use this to offset the phase of the bins
  • nanflow (bool) – if True (default), include a single bin for NaN (not a number)
  • closedlow (bool) – if True (default), the low edge of all bins is included in the bin, high edge is excluded; if False, the high edge is included and low edge is excluded (exception: if an edge is infinite, it is always included)

Returns True if the two axes have the same types and binning, regardless of the expression used to compute them.


Returns a copy of the groupbin.


Returns (key, value) pairs of the content.


Returns key labels in the order of the bin content, to index the content.


Returns a groupbin with a new expr.

class histbook.axis.bin(expr, numbins, low, high, underflow=True, overflow=True, nanflow=True, closedlow=True)

Describes an axis of regularly spaced, dense, numeric values.

Memory use is fixed: number of bins is numbins + (1 if underflow else 0) + (1 if overflow else 0) + (1 if nanflow else 0).

  • expr (algebraic expression (string)) – quantity to use as an independent variable in the probability distribution represented by this histogram
  • numbins (positive integer) – number of bins between low and high
  • low (number) – the low edge of the first finite bin
  • high (number) – the high edge of the last finite bin
  • underflow (bool) – if True (default), include an underflow bin representing the interval from negative infinity to low
  • overflow (bool) – if True (default), include an overflow bin representing the interval from high to positive infinity
  • nanflow (bool) – if True (default), include a single nanflow bin representing NaN (not a number) values
  • closedlow (bool) – if True (default), the low edge of all bins is included in the bin, high edge is excluded; if False, the high edge is included and low edge is excluded (exception: if an edge is infinite, it is always included)

Returns True if the two axes have the same types and binning, regardless of the expression used to compute them.


Returns a copy of the bin.


Returns (key, value) pairs of the content.


Returns key labels in the order of the bin content, to index the content.


Returns a :py:class:bin` <histbook.axis.bin>` with a new expr.

class histbook.axis.intbin(expr, min, max, underflow=True, overflow=True)

Describes an axis of integer values.

Memory use is fixed: number of bins is max - min + 1 + (1 if underflow else 0) + (1 if overflow else 0).

  • expr (algebraic expression (string)) – quantity to use as an independent variable in the probability distribution represented by this histogram
  • min (integer) – the minimum bin value (inclusive)
  • high (number) – the maximum bin value (inclusive)
  • underflow (bool) – if True (default), include an underflow bin representing the interval from negative infinity to min
  • overflow (bool) – if True (default), include an overflow bin representing the interval from max to positive infinity

Returns True if the two axes have the same types and binning, regardless of the expression used to compute them.


Returns a copy of the intbin.


Returns (key, value) pairs of the content.


Returns key labels in the order of the bin content, to index the content.


Returns an intbin with a new expr.

class histbook.axis.split(expr, edges, underflow=True, overflow=True, nanflow=True, closedlow=True)

Describes an axis of irregularly spaced, dense, numeric values.

Memory use is fixed: number of bins is len(edges) - 1 + (1 if underflow else 0) + (1 if overflow else 0) + (1 if nanflow else 0).

  • expr (algebraic expression (string)) – quantity to use as an independent variable in the probability distribution represented by this histogram
  • edges (non-empty iterable of numbers or a single number) – thresholds defining a partitioning of space
  • underflow (bool) – if True (default), include an underflow bin representing the interval from negative infinity to low
  • overflow (bool) – if True (default), include an overflow bin representing the interval from high to positive infinity
  • nanflow (bool) – if True (default), include a single nanflow bin representing NaN (not a number) values
  • closedlow (bool) – if True (default), the low edge of all bins is included in the bin, high edge is excluded; if False, the high edge is included and low edge is excluded (exception: if an edge is infinite, it is always included)

Returns True if the two axes have the same types and binning, regardless of the expression used to compute them.


Returns a copy of the split.


Returns (key, value) pairs of the content.


Returns key labels in the order of the bin content, to index the content.


Returns a split with a new expr.

class histbook.axis.cut(expr)

Describes an axis of two bins: those that fail and those that pass a boolean expression.

Memory use is fixed: number of bins is 2.

Parameters:expr (algebraic expression (string)) – boolean quantity to use as an independent variable in the probability distribution represented by this histogram; False and True values are the two distinct bins

Returns True if the two axes have the same types and binning, regardless of the expression used to compute them.


Returns a copy of the cut.


Returns (key, value) pairs of the content.


Returns key labels in the order of the bin content, to index the content.


Returns a cut with a new expr.

class histbook.axis.profile(expr)

Describes an axis in which to compute mean and error in the mean.

Memory use is fixed: number of bins is 2 (to accumulate mean and error in the mean).

Parameters:expr (algebraic expression (string)) – quantity to use as a dependent variable, binned by other axes in the Hist

Returns a copy of the profile.


Returns a profile with a new expr.